Silver Carpet Lamb's Ear is an improve selection of the species. It has silver-grey foliage which appears whitish due to soft, woolly hairs on leaves. Stems are white. Tall spires of purple flowers appear in early summer, though this plant is best known for its foliage. Both flowers and foliage are nice in floral arrangements. Foliage stands to about 6 to 8 inches tall, with a spread of 18 to 24 inches. Flower stems may reach 12 to 18 inches. Useful as a groundcover or to soften the edge of a walkway, though it does not tolerate foot traffic.
Plant in full sun and in well drained soil. Over-watering or wet soils makes Lamb's Ear matted. Silver Carpet was selected for its larger leaf size, and less profuse flower; some people cut off all the flowers before they even bloom as they are growing the plant for its foliage. I like the flowers, and deadhead after blooming to provide a tidy appearance. After winter, Lamb's Ear may look a little tattered and ragged; cut back stems to where the leaves look nice - plant will fill in fairly quickly.