This buffalograss selection was chosen for its lush green look and lower habit. Has a look similar to bluegrass, but still retains its outstanding hardiness and xeric nature. Virtually pollen free. Quicken growing than the species, it forms a dense lawn that can withstand heavy foot traffic, pests, and diseases. Grows 4 to 6 inches tall, unmowed. Also greens up earlier in the spring and holds its color later in the fall than does the species.
Buffalograss needs full sun and well-draining soil. It requires only 2 inches of water per month to stay green. It is a warm-season grass, which means it will be dormant (and tawny colored) from mid fall until the warmer part of spring. Plant seed, plugs, or sod (see Guides). Requires only 3 to 4 mowings all season, or don't mow at all and have a billowy, prairie-like lawn.