All right, so we said there were too many marigolds to name, but we are making an exception. This group of marigolds (sometimes referred to as the Gem Series) have a compact habit (about 12 to 14 inches tall and slightly less wide), petite flowers that don't need deadheading, and foliage that has a bright, lemony scent. They are perfect in herb and vegetable gardens, and, drum roll...the flowers are edible, and so make a fabulous garnish in salads and drinks.
As with other marigolds, plant them in nearly any soil that is well drained. They prefer life a bit on the leaner side, so don't over water, over fertilize, or pot them up in over rich soil. You can deadhead, though it generally isn't needed, but think of it as harvesting, instead. Grow in full sun. Available as plants or seeds. Not as easy to find as other marigolds, but worth the effort.