Botanical Name: Salvia azurea grandiflora
Common Name: Blue Sage, Pitcher Sage  
Plant photo of: Salvia azurea grandiflora
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Water Saving Tip:

Replace turf with groundcovers, trees, and shrubs. If you have areas where no one uses the grass, patches that do not grow well, or a turf area too small to water without runoff, consider replacing the turf with water-efficient landscaping.

  • Anatomy

  • Culture

  • Design

Plant Type



Height Range



Flower Color

Blue, White


Flower Season

Summer, Fall


Leaf Color



Bark Color



Fruit Color



Fruit Season


Information by: Stephanie Duer
  • Description

  • Notes

This prairie perennial may be the tallest salvia around, at 2 to 5 feet tall (and even taller). It is unbranched, or with a few small stems near the flower. The leaves are greyish green, narrowly lanceolate, with serrated margins toward their tips, and 3 to 5 inches long. The foliage exudes a sage scent and has a sage taste. The flowers grow in whorls along the last foot or so of stem, and are light blue. Flowers in late summer and early fall. Enjoyed by bees, butterflies, and moths. There is currently one planted in the Washington Square Garden.