Rubber rabittbrush is a Utah native, known for its chrome-yellow autumn flowers and strikingly white stems. This plant will reach a mature size of about 4 to 6 feet tall and wide. Fall flowers are chrome-yellow and cover the entire plant. Foliage is long, narrow, grey-green, and slightly hairy, giving it a whitish cast. It is semi-deciduous, and will hold its foliage well into the autumn and early winter. A great shrub for a hot, dry site.
Grow in well drained, clay-loam to sandy-loam soil in full sun. Will tolerate high pH soils, even up to 8.5 pH. Very drought tolerant on establishment, requiring no supplemental water. Pruning hard in late winter helps to keep it tidy. It may spread by re-seeding (okay, it probably will spread by re-seeding). Cold hardy to -30f