'Dense' is a useful evergreen for the average or smallish urban landscapes, as it as a low, spreading habit and grows about 3 to 4 feet tall and 4 to 6 feet wide. Branches are upright and arching, creating nice vertical to horizontal lines. New growth is bright green, maturing to a dark green. Berries are bright red, but are not suitable for human consumption. Use at the foundation or in a shady shrub border or hedge to provide winter interest.
It's a shame, but most folks who plant yews never get to enjoy it's beautiful, soft, bright yellow-green spring foliage because they are forever shearing or hedging the poor things. Select the right yew for the space, and prune it selectively in late winter, and you will find you spend a lot less time pruning. See the how-to's. Yews are not drought tolerant, really, but generally manage quite well on considerably less water than is usually offered. Plant so it receives morning sun or full shade, in good, well draining soil.