With its finely dissected, silvery foliage, Powis Castle Artemisia is a wonderful foil for other plants with colored foliage or brightly colored flowers. Its silvery foliage is attractive over a long season, helping to bridge those gaps in the perennial border between lulls in flowering. Stems are useful in flower arrangements, and it is undisturbed by deer and rabbits. It may grow 2 to 3 feet tall and wide. I admit to liking this cultivar so much more than Silver Mound.
Best grown in poor to moderately fertile, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Excellent soil drainage is essential for growing this plant and it does poorly in moist to wet soils as plants are susceptible to root rot. Plant stems tend to flop in the summer, if over-fertilized, over-watered, or receive too little sunlight. Prune plants in early spring to tidy, being careful to leave sufficient numbers of live buds on each stem to facilitate bushy growth. Never prune stems to the ground. Foliage may also be lightly sheared in summer to shape, but avoid pruning in fall.