According to Brent Heath, of Brent and Becky's Bulbs, Kaufmann Tulips are a very early tulip, generally low-growing to about 7 to 8 inches tall. The flowers are carmine, red, yellow, to cream, with the paler tulips freqnethly having a carmine blush on the outsides of the petal. The leaves are green and sometimes mottled red. Brent thinks these tulips are a great choice for a rock garden, container, or window box.
As with all tulips, grow in full sun in well drained soil, preferably in sandy-loam to clay-loam soil. Deadhead to keep a tidy appearance and to prevent seed formation, which takes energy from the bulb. Leave the foliage until its well spent, as it feeds the bulb and helps to make next year's flowers. Tulips are a great addition to a moderate to low water use garden, as they go dormant soon after blooming, and too much water can cause them to rot. Deer love, love, love tulip flowers.