Sedums are perennials, but not all sedums are cold hardy. 'Coppertone' is a very fun sedum, with yellow-green to orange, succulent foliage. It grows about 3 to 6 inches tall and might spread 8 to 10 inches. The bad news is that it is only hardy to about 28 degrees. So, treat it like an annual, or bring it inside for the winter; either way, its worth the effort. Can you picture this in a pot with purple fountain grass?
Grow in well drained soil and full sun. Plant tags will say part sun, but the best coloration occurs in full sun. If you want to save the plant over the winter, dig it out and pot it up, using a well-draining, loose soil mix (see Guides). Or, use it in a pot for the summer - very easy color. If you plant in it a pot for the summer, it may require more frequent watering.