Botanical Name: Physostegia virginiana
Common Name: Obedient Plant  
Plant photo of: Physostegia virginiana
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Water Saving Tip:

Replace turf with groundcovers, trees, and shrubs. If you have areas where no one uses the grass, patches that do not grow well, or a turf area too small to water without runoff, consider replacing the turf with water-efficient landscaping.

  • Anatomy

  • Culture

  • Design

Plant Type



Height Range

1-3', 3-6'


Flower Color

Lavender, Pink, White


Flower Season



Leaf Color



Bark Color



Fruit Color



Fruit Season


Information by: Stephanie Duer
  • Description

  • Notes

Obedient plant is an upright, clump-forming, mid-west native found along stream banks and moist areas of prairies. It typically grows 2 to 4 feet tall with an equal or farther spread (due to its rhizomatous nature), with tubular flowers that form clusters at the stem tips from June through August and even into September. Flowers are pinkish, orchid, or white, depending on cultivar. Leaves are green, lance-shaped, and toothed. Best suited for mass planting, mixed with large ornamental grasses, or for meadowish landscapes where it may roam freely.