A standout for many reasons, Palmer penstemon may also be the tallest penstemon, reaching 4 to 5 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide. It is also one of the few penstemons that are fragrant. Its foliage is gray green and thickish; flowers are pale pink and bloom in early to mid summer. Bumblebees will practically get lost getting pollen out of these flowers! A very xeric plant, it tolerates a lot of sun and heat, but not a lot of moisture. Hummingbirds love it; deer and rabbits tend to leave it be. A Utah native.
Plant in full sun in well drained soil; preferring dry, loose, gravelly and sandy-loam soils. Provide a crushed gravel mulch. Do not over-head water, but if supplemental water is necessary, use a drip method. Does not require watering on establishment.