Botanical Name: Galium odoratum
Common Name: Sweet Woodruff  
Plant photo of: Galium odoratum
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Water Saving Tip:

Even though it's hot, your lawn only needs to be watered twice a week to stay healthy.

And don't water the whole lawn for a brown spot—drag out a hose.

  • Anatomy

  • Culture

  • Design

Plant Type

Ground cover, Perennial, Herb


Height Range

Under 1'


Flower Color



Flower Season

Spring, Summer


Leaf Color



Bark Color



Fruit Color



Fruit Season


Information by: Stephanie Duer
  • Description

  • Notes

Sweet Woodruff is a charming, delicate-looking groundcover well suited to dry shade areas; but its appearance is deceiving as this is one tough little plant). Growing to about 2 to 4 inches in height, with single plants eventually spreading 12 to 18 inches, it slowly carpets shady spots with bright green, whorled leaves. Flowers occur in spring, are white, four-petaled, and fragrant. Stems are slightly sticky. Plants emit a strong odor of freshly mown hay when foliage is crushed or cut. Aromatic intensity of the foliage increases when dried, thus dried leaves are popularly used in sachets or potpourris. Plants have also been used commercially in perfumes. Leaves are sometimes used to flavor teas and cold fruit drinks. Leaves are also used to make May wine, a punch made from white wine flavored with woodruff.