Graceful, round-headed tree often with pendulous branches. Lacebark Elm grows moderately 40 to 50 feet, with a spread of 25 to 40 feet. Small, deep green, lustrous leaves turn yellow or orange in fall. Small, greenish yellow flower appear in summer, followed by small light brown fruit; both are insignificant. Bark is brown gray but with maturity, exfoliates to reveal orange, gray, green and brown inner bark. Excellent shade tree.
Do not confuse this elm with the Siberian elm, a weedy tree with prolific seed and prone to disease. Lacebark is a durable, tough, beautiful tree. Adaptive to a variety of soil ph, even in the extremes. Fastest rate of growth with regular water in good, well drained soil, and in full sun. But avoid over-watering, as the pratice encourages shallow roots. Resistant to Dutch Elm disease and phoem necrosis.