'Green Vase' is a Zelkova selection that tall, with a narrower, upright crown than other zelkova, growing 45 feet tall and about 30 feet wide. Leaves are roundish, serrated, and green, with orange-bronze fall color. Insignificant small green flowers appear in spring as the foliage emerges. Flowers give way to small, non-showy, round, wingless seeds that ripen in autumn. Bark is smooth and gray in youth, but exfoliates with age to reveal orange-brown inner bark. Use as a shade or patio tree.
Grow in average, well-drained soils in full sun. Established trees tolerate some drought. Prefers rich, loamy soil, though is adaptive. Generally tolerant of urban conditions. On the negative side, it loses its leaves late in the season, and so sometime catches snow which may result in broken limbs.