This superb Hummingbird Trumpet spreads like a groundcover to form a loose mat of low growing, bright green foliage, about 4 to 6 inches tall and 15 to 18 inches wide. In mid-to-late summer it lights up the garden with a profusion of bright orange flowers that last for many weeks. Regular watering (but not over-watering) when in bloom keeps the flowers coming. 'Orange Carpet' prefers some afternoon shade, especially at lower elevations. Originally selected by David Salman of High Country Gardens. This zauschneria is practically made for parkstrips.
Grow in full sun and well drained soil, otherwise, not particular. A little mid-day shade will keep it from looking parched. Cut back in late winter to early spring. Once it's established, water just a couple times a month. Attractive to hummingbirds. It has a slightly cascading habit, so planting on a wall or at a curb can create a pleasing effect.