'Longin' is a Perovskia selection, introduced by Kurt Bluemel, with a more upright habit and less leaf dissection, giving it a more dense and substantial presence in the garden. It has lovely blue flowers that seem to bloom all summer long. It is slightly more compact than the species, growing about 3 to 4 feet tall and wide. Use in a sunny, hot, dry location, even against south and west facing walls and fences.
Grow in full sun and well drained soil. Tolerates a wide range of soils including loamy-clays, poor soils, and sandy soils. Tolerates a lot of heat, including reflective heat. Over-watering will cause the plant to grow larger than is typical, to be a bit floppy, and to spread, sometimes with reckless abandon. Cut back hard in late winter to early spring (see Guides).