Tall fescue is a dense, clumping grass that grows well in sunny to shady areas and is often mixed with other grasses for just this quality. Tall Fescue grass was brought to the US in the early 1800’s for pasturage purposes and now grows in about 4/5 of our country, with turf type varieties used in lawns, on athletic fields, in parks and other areas where a cool season turf grass is desired. Mix with newer bluegrass varieties for a healthy, easy-maintenance, moderate water lawn.
Grows in sun to part shade. Needs well drained soils. See Guides for information on planting and maintenance. Available as seed or sod. Mow to a height of 3 to 4 inches. There are some exciting field trials taking place with both fescue and bluegrass up at USU; we'll keep you posted on their findings.