Sierra Redwood is the graceful evergreen giant that so epitomizes the Sierra Navada landscape. Though it reaches hundreds of feet in the wild, here in SLC, it may only reach 40 to 50 feet tall and about half as wide. Its foliage is finely textured and of a gray-green to blue-green color. The bark, with its highly distinctive red brown color and soft, thick, resilient nature, becomes furrowed with age. Cones are surprisingly small. This tree really wants to be where it is more humid, but there are a few around town; one of note at Fire Station #1.
Sequoiadendron grows in well drained soil and full sun, though it will tolerate part sun in its youth. Acidic to neutral soils are best, and sandy-loam to clay-loam soils. Hardy to USDA Zone 6.