This little plant isn't a true grass but is actually in the Lily family. Lilyturf is a perennial with grass-like foliage that is deep green, grows in clumps, and spreads by rhizomes. Produces dense spikes of deep lilac flowers, usually early to late fall. It is also generally listed as being evergreen. Given our climate, lilyturf frequently doesn't flower as it gets too cold, and is semi-evergreen. But it's worth a gamble as it is a lovely addition to a dry shade area, even if it never blooms. Grows around 6 inches tall and wide.
Lilyturf does not like wet soil or frost, as the leaf tips will turn brown or yellow. It does best in half sun (morning sun is ideal). Some sources list it as being hardy to USDA Zone 6, others list it in Zone 7. It's worth a chance, as the foliage is amazing with heuchera, hosta, and lamium. As an added bonus, deer and rabbits don't bother it.