This Utah native is an attractive tree well suited to our urban landscape. It grows 20 to 30 feet tall and about 20 to 25 feet wide. Large dark green leaves have 3 to 5 rounded lobes, and leaves turn yellow, orange, or red in autumn. Inconspictuous light green flowers in spring are followed by small reddish-tan sumara (those little helicopters). Bark is grayish with plate-like scales. Use as a large shrub or small tree; ideal as a patio tree or for screening.
Grow in full sun, though it will tolerate part shade. Good drainage is a must, and otherwise is unparticular about soil. Water regularly to establish, and then only periodically. Prune selectively to shape or raise canopy, but avoid shearing as that will result is weak, twiggy growth. It tolerates soil higher in pH than other maples, and needs little water once established. There are some lovely specimens at the Greater Avenues Water Conservation Demonstration Garden - and after a few years of establishment watering they are now rarely irrigated.