Botanical Name: Clematis maximowicziana
Common Name: Sweetautumn Clematis  
Plant photo of: Clematis maximowicziana
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Water Saving Tip:

Even though it's hot, your lawn only needs to be watered twice a week to stay healthy.

And don't water the whole lawn for a brown spot—drag out a hose.

  • Anatomy

  • Culture

  • Design

Plant Type



Height Range

12-25', 25-40'


Flower Color



Flower Season

Summer, Fall


Leaf Color

Dark Green


Bark Color



Fruit Color



Fruit Season



Half, Shade





Growth Rate

Fast, Moderate


Soil Type



Soil Condition

Average, Rich, Well-drained


Soil pH

Neutral, Basic


Adverse Factors


Design Styles

English Cottage, Meadow, Tropical, Woodland


Accenting Features

Fragrance, Showy Flowers


Seasonal Interest

Summer, Fall


Location Uses

Background, Shrub Border, Walls / Fences


Special Uses

Screen, Naturalizing


Attracts Wildlife


Information by: Stephanie Duer
  • Description

  • Notes

This is a fast growing and vigorous clematis that grows 20 to 30 feet or more. Leaves are small, pinnately compounded, and blue-green in color; no appreciable fall color. Flowers are small and white to the palest of pinks, fragrant, and bloom late summer into the fall. Seedheads are airy little balls of puff that extend the seasonal interest beyond just the flowers. Also listed as C. autumnalis and C. terniflora. Deciduous.
Grow in shade to part shade in loamy soil. A vigorous clematis, this plant will easily cover a fence, pergola, small house, or anything else. It does need support as it is a twining vine. This vine has the capacity to escape, so avoid planting it in riparian corridors were it might out-grow the native clematis.