'Apple Blossom' is a creeping phlox cultivar with stiffish, needle-like, leaves on creeping stems. It forms a mat about 6 inches tall and 18 to 24 inches across. It blooms mid to late spring, and has pale pink flowers with a brighter, deeper pink eye. Use at the front of a sunny border, in a rock garden, or in the park strip.
Best grown in sandy-loam to clay-loam, medium to dry moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Best flowering is in full sun, but plants tolerate some dappled sun. Good soil drainage is important. Plants grow well in sandy or gravely soils and tolerate hot, dry exposures better than most other species of phlox. Plants will self-seed in optimum growing conditions. Cut back stems after flowering by 1/2 to maintain form and promote denser growth plus to stimulate a possible light rebloom. Phlox's assets are its spring bloom, not its summer foliage, so plant it where its green mattiness during the summer months won't annoy.