Botanical Name: Achillea 'Walther Funcke'
Common Name: Walther Funcke Yarrow  
Plant photo of: Achillea 'Walther Funcke'
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Water Saving Tip:

Group plants in your garden according to their water needs (hydrozone).

  • Anatomy

  • Culture

  • Design

Plant Type

Ground cover, Perennial


Height Range



Flower Color

Red, Yellow


Flower Season

Spring, Summer


Leaf Color

Green, Grey Green


Bark Color



Fruit Color



Fruit Season



Full, Half



Low, Medium


Growth Rate

Fast, Moderate


Soil Type

Sandy, Clay, Loam, Rocky, Unparticular


Soil Condition

Average, Rich, Poor, Well-drained, Dry


Soil pH

Neutral, Basic


Adverse Factors


Design Styles

English Cottage, Meadow, Mediterranean, Ranch, Seascape, Spanish, Native Garden


Accenting Features

Showy Flowers


Seasonal Interest

Summer, Fall


Location Uses

Entry, Perennial Border, Foundation, Parking Strip, Raised Planter, Walkways


Special Uses

Cut Flowers, Filler, Mass Planting, Lawn Alternative, Fire Resistant


Attracts Wildlife


Information by: Stephanie Duer
  • Description

  • Notes

Walther Funcke Yarrow grows about 1 to 2 feet tall and wide, though it may spread beyond that width. It has green to grey-green foliage and is finely textured and fern-like and aromatic. Flowers are brick red and appear May to July. Excellent ground cover or cut flower.
Many different cultivars of Yarrow are available, with different flower colors, including yellows, reds, peaches, and pinks. Yarrow makes a good ground cover when mowed, and tolerates a fair amount of foot traffic. Divide in the spring every few years as the centers can sometimes melt out. Grow in full sun to part shade in well drained soils. Tolerates clay soils. Yarrows are best not planted next to slower-growing and smaller perennials, as they may overtake and overwhelm them.