European beech is a large deciduous tree growing 50 to 60 feet tall and 30 to 50 feet wide, with a dense, upright-oval to rounded-spreading crown. Trunks have distinctive bark that is thin, smooth, and gray. Leaves are oval and a lustrous green with wavy margins and prominent parallel veins. Foliage turns golden bronze in fall. Flowers are insignificant, but followed by triangular nuts enclosed by spiny bracts. Beechnuts ripen in fall and are edible. Many cultivars are available in commerce in a variety of different forms, leaf shapes and leaf colors.
Beeches are lovely trees, but are a little resentful of our hot, dry summers. Plant in loamy, well draining soil and mulch amply to keep roots cool. Does not do well in wet or heavily compacted soils. Interesting accent or specimen pant. See Guide for planting tips.