Utah native. Mountain lover is a very attractive broadleaf evergreen shrub and really ought to be utilized in landscapes more frequently. Its leaf is similar to a boxwood, though its form is more irregular and sort or sprawlish. Small spring flowers are not very showy, and likewise the fruit is also inconspicuous. And after all this you wonder why you would grow it? Well, it is a stunning, easy-to-care-for broadleaf evergreen; not many of those in these parts. Grows about 2 to 3 feet tall and 4 to 5 feet wide, but it's going to get there slowly.
Prefers medium to coarse soils, and good drainage. Plant in shade to part shade, avoiding hot mid-day sun (from 10a to about 4p). Best used as a ground cover or edging, or at the feet of taller shrubs and trees. Doesn't require pruning, but if you are so moved, do so selectively (see Guides).