Antelope Bitterbush is a native shrub with a rounded, irregular form growing about 6 to 8 feet tall and about as wide. Leaves are dark green above and densely, woolly white underneath, leathery, deeply lobed, and evergreen or deciduous, dependig on how mild a winter we have. Flowers are simple, yellow, and rose-like, and bloom from April through July. Flowers are followed seeds that are enjoyed by birds. Bark is grey to brown. A Utah native. Use in low-irrigation areas; in poor, rocky soils as a hedge; or in natural landscapes.
Grow in full sun and in well drained, gravelly soils. Will tolerate sandy and rocky soils. Tolerates alkaline soils. Drought tolerant once established. Does not tolerate shade. Its ability to survive deer browsing would indicate that it tolerates pruning, though heavy pruning will reduce flowering as it blooms on second-year wood.