Cosmos is a colorful annual with bright, daisy-like flowers a variety of pink and lavender shades, as well as white and yellow. Some forms are simple, single petaled, while some have double petals or tube-like petals. Depending on the cultivar, they grow about 2 to 3 feet tall and half as wide. Deadheading will encourage more blooms; but cutting them early for vases is better still. Foliage is ferny and is great for filling in voids in the garden. Cosmos will self-sow if happy with its location. It prefers full sun and well-draining soil.
Cosmos will grow in nearly any soil, as long as it drains well. This is a tough annual. Over-watering, over-fertilizing, or too much shade will make them lanky, with fewer flowers, and probably result in powdery mildew. Cut back as flower volume begins to diminish, as you'll be rewarded with new growth and new flowers. See guide for tips on starting annuals by seed.