Botanical Name: Rhus typhina
Common Name: Staghorn Sumac  
Plant photo of: Rhus typhina
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Water Saving Tip:

Change spray sprinklers to low-flow bubbler or drip systems. Shrubs and trees are ideal candidates for this type of irrigation because the water is applied directly to the root zones.

  • Anatomy

  • Culture

  • Design

Plant Type

Tree, Shrub


Height Range



Flower Color



Flower Season



Leaf Color



Bark Color

Brown, Grey


Fruit Color



Fruit Season

Winter, Fall, Persistent

Information by: Stephanie Duer
  • Description

  • Notes

Staghorn sumac is an open, spreading shrub or small tree that typically grows 15 to 25 feet tall, and though individual plants are narrow, colonies can spread 20 to 30 feet wide. It is particularly noted for the reddish-brown hairs that cover the young branchlets in somewhat the same way that velvet covers the horns of a stag, hence the common name. It is also noted for its ornamental fruiting clusters and excellent fall foliage color. Large, compound, odd-pinnate leaves (each to 24 inches long) are bright green above during the growing season and glaucous beneath. Leaves turn attractive shades of yellow/orange/red in autumn. Each leaf has 13-27 toothed, lanceolate-oblong leaflets (each to 2 to 5 inches long). Tiny, greenish-yellow flowers bloom in terminal cone-shaped panicles in summer (June-July), with male and female flower cones primarily occurring on separate plants (dioecious). Female flowers produce showy pyramidal fruiting clusters (to 8 inches long), with each cluster containing numerous hairy, berry-like drupes which ripen bright red in autumn, gradually turning dark red as they persist through much of the winter. Fruit is attractive to wildlife. Wood is a warm grey to soft brown and is smooth. Use in naturally-styled landscapes, and where it has room to spread.