Big sagebrush is a Utah native and lives up to its name, growing anywhere from a few to 12 feet tall and 5 to 8 feet wide (the variability is a result of seed source, available water, soil conditions, and other factors that affect growth). It is densed branched with fine textured, silver- to blue-green, aromatic foliage. Inconspicuous yellow flowers appear July through november. The bark is brown, twisted, and scaly. This may not be the ideal sagebrush for a traditional landscape, but it would work well in a naturally-styled setting. Very aromatic.
Grow in full sun and well drained soil, preferrably a little on the coarse side. Tolerates gravelly-clay and sandy soils. Alkaline tolerant. Doesn't require watering once it is established. Pruning in the late winter before new growth emerges will keep the shrub a little more tidy. Big sagebrush, when planted in ideal locations, will propagate by seed.