Regardless of which name is used, calendula is a wonderful addition to an herb or vegetable garden. Flowers are densely petaled in warm tones, typically soft yellow to bold orange, depending on the variety. Leaves are deep green and smooth to gently lobed. Flower petals are edible, and add a bright spot to salads, or when cooked with rice, impart a golden tint and earthy scent. Flowers mid spring to early summer, and sometimes again in the fall.
Grow in sandy-loam soil in full sun, ideally with some mid-day shade. Though it tolerates full sun in coastal areas, in our dry, inland gardens a bit a reprieve from the sun will prolong the bloom. It's ideal season is mid spring to early summer, though if cut back after blooming, it may reflower as the weather cools. If left to go to seed, you may be rewarded with volunteers the following season. Attractive to butterflies.