Bugloss is a charming spring perennial with flowers similar to those of forget-me-nots, but with a tougher constitution. It has large, rounded, heart-shaped leaves to 10" long by 6" wide. Flowers appear mid to late spring, borne on open spikes, and are tiny and clear sky-blue. Grows about 12 to 18 inches tall and 18 to 20 inches wide. A wonderful companion for heuchera, variegated iris, and spring bulbs. The foliage stays nice all summer, but will look its best if planted where it will receive some mid-day relief from the sun. A nice cut flower.
Grow in well drained, medium to slightly dry soil in part to full shade. Plant tags may indicate it grows in full sun, but the leaves will look scorched by mid-summer. Easy to transplant. Snipe off flower stems after blooming if tidiness is an issue. Clean up plant in late winter to early spring as new growth emerges (see Guides).