A cool season, clumping bunchgrass with bright green foliage and upright flower spikes. The grass forms a loose clump of basal foliage, generally under 8 inches tall. Flower panicles are erect, growing to about 16 to 24 inches, and are a soft cream aging to wheatish. Flowers in June to July and produces seeds in September. As it is relatively short lived, letting it go to see ensures continuous coverage. Also, consider blending it with warm season grasses such as the gramas or stipa.
An adaptive grass, it will grow in sunny to lightly shaded areas. Well draining soils, but sandy, clay, or gravelly will do. It can be mowed, but ideally, wait until fall when the seed has matured and scattered. Alkaline tolerant. Medium to high drought tolerance; the more sun, the more water.