Native to cool desert areas, Apache Plume is well suited to dry urban gardens. White flowers, reminiscent of simple, single roses, appear June through August, and are followed by seed heads nearly as interesting as the flowers. Small, olive green, lobed leaves line branches that are twiggy and have whitish, shreddy bark. Fast growing, it will grow to 5 feet tall and nearly as wide. Though water needs are low, it will bloom more with periodic summer irrigation. A Utah native.
Over time, unpruned specimens may become floppy; prune the shrub nearly to the ground in late winter or early spring. Deer enjoy Apache Plume, and it also provides cover for small mammals and birds. Useful as a hedge, at the foundation, or in shrub borders. See planting tips. Full sun. Can survive with no irrigation once established, though it flowers over a longer period of time when irrigated monthly during the hottest months of summer.