Weigela are a group of shrubs characterized by their rounded, arching habit, tubular flowers, and attractively colored foliage. As a rule, they are rounded, with an arching to spreading habit, but size is dependent on cultivar, with shrubs as small as 3 feet to ones as large as 10 to 12 feet. Leaves are simple, finely serrated, and green to red to bronze, depending on cultivar. Flowers appear in May to June, are tubular, and range from white through every conceivable pink, to dark ruby red. Use in foundation or shrub borders, mass planting, or as hedges or screens.
Grow in well drained soil, preferably a loamy mix, in full sun to part shade (red-leafed forms will maintain better leaf color in full sun). Otherwise, its very adaptable. If pruning is necessary, do so after flowering, and to prevent it from becoming a twiggy blob, prune selectively, or every few years prune to renovate (see Guides).