Corneliancherry is a deciduous, small, multi-stemmed tree or shrub, reaching about 20 feet tall and wide, with a rounded crown and low branching structure. Clusters of small yellow flowers appear March and April, and show the best against a dark background such as a brick or darkly painted wall. Red fruit follows, much enjoyed by birds, and it is edible for making preserves. Fruit can be messy, so underplant with groundcover to minimize cleanup. Leaves are green, with yellow fall color. Bark is exfoliating, with colors in the warm greys to brown.
Plant in full to part shade in well drained, organic soils (will grow in full shade but the flower and fruit production will be less). Pruning is required to make and keep it more tree-like (see Guides). It does sucker, which depending on the location, can be either an asset or liability. Not a common dogwood, but well suited to shrub borders, in a bird garden, or more natural landscape.