This is a very compact boxwood, growing slowing to 1 foot tall but eventually spreading as wide as 4 feet. though it is evergreen, the dark green foliage takes on a bronze hue in the winter months. Use to edge a perennial, shrub, or foundation border, to line a walk, or as an evergreen accent in the perennial garden. Its generally uniform growth habit means little maintanance is required to keep it tidy.
Best grown in loamy, well-drained soil in part to full shade. Prefers snady-loam to clay-loam soils, acidic to slightly alkaline pH. Avoid cultivating around plants because they have shallow roots. Thin plants and remove dead/damaged branches annually as needed to improve air circulation. In our hot, dry climate, boxwood is best sited in a sheltered location that will protect it in winter from strong winds and full sun. Carefully remove snow accumulations from plants as quickly as practicable to minimize stem/branch damage. Though not a low water plant, when provided the right soil, light, and mulch, boxwood can manage on just one watering per week.