Golden garlic is an ornamental flowering onion with star-shaped, half-inch, bright yellow flowers in loose clusters on leafless 9 to 15 inch-tall stalks. Blooms in late spring, and has flat, tulip-like, blue-green, basal leaves. All parts of this plant have an oniony smell when cut or bruised, however this plant is generally considered to be a non-edible ornamental. Also commonly called lily leek and golden garlic. Use in a perennial or shrub border.
Grow in average, medium-moisture, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Best in full sun, but appreciates some light afternoon shade in our hot summer climate. Tolerates a wide range of soils. Best in rich, sandy-loams. Plant bulbs in fall. Plants will naturalize by both offsets and self-seeding, and a modest planting of bulbs can colonize an area rather quickly in optimum growing conditions. Not considered overly aggressive, however. Deadhead flowers before seed sets to help control any unwanted spread. See Guides for planting details.