Metallica bugleweed is a compact ajuga that forms tight rosettes of deep purple crinkled spinach-like leaves. In late spring, plants are topped with 6 inch stalks of tiny purple blue flowers. Slower growing and less spreading than A. reptans. Foliage grows about 3 inches tall, flower spires grow to 6 inches; spread is about 12 inches.
Plant in part to full shade, though best leaf color occurs with some sun. Prefers rich, organic soils that are well-drained. Spreads slowly by stolons and can be quite aggressive in lawns. Plants may be mowed on high setting after blooming in order to remove spent flower spikes and to tidy the appearance, though it isn't necessary. Goes dormant in winter and emerges in early to mid spring, depending on the weather. In shadier areas, it may require less-frequent watering.