Flowers typically bloom late spring to early summer, come in various colors, and are described as being single, double, or anemone-like. Many are fragrant and they all make lovely cut flowers. Foliage is a rich, deep green, with leaflets being elliptical to lance-like or sometimes lobed. Plants generally grow about 3 feet tall and equal or a bit wider. Use in a perennial or shrub border; they combine well with roses, daisies, garden phlox, and iris.
Peony require deep, fertile, compost-ameded soil, though also need it to be well draining. Will grow in full sun to some shade. Requires regular irrigation, though with properly prepared soils, weekly irrigation during the summer months ought to be adequate. Hybrid peony are herbaceous with no woody tissue surviving the winter. Cut back old foliage in late winter to early spring. Plant peonies from container stock or as "eyes;" see Guides for details.