This shrubby perennial is the classic garden sage of culinary goodness. It grows 2 to 3 feet tall and at least as wide and with age, grows quite the woody base. Foliage is gray green, long and oval, slightly pubescent, and highly aromatic. Flowers appear in May, forming nearly true blue spires. A beautiful cut flower, they are also edible. Attractive to bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. Leaves are excellent fresh or dried, in marinades, pesto, stuffing, and fried whole. There are varieties with purple, yellow, and variegated foliage.
Garden sage needs full sun and loose, well drained soil. In time, it can form a very wood structure; pruning hard in the late winter will result in more branching, leading to more leaves and flowers. Semi-evergreen, it holds onto its leaves late into the fall and early winter. If planted where it receives reflective heat, it can be evergreen. A culinary herb with edible leaves and flowers.