Botanical Name: Vinca minor
Common Name: Dwarf Vinca or Periwinkle  
Plant photo of: Vinca minor
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Water Saving Tip:

Replace turf with groundcovers, trees, and shrubs. If you have areas where no one uses the grass, patches that do not grow well, or a turf area too small to water without runoff, consider replacing the turf with water-efficient landscaping.

  • Anatomy

  • Culture

  • Design

Plant Type

Broadleaf Evergreen, Ground cover


Height Range

Under 1'


Flower Color

Blue, Lavender, Purple, White


Flower Season



Leaf Color

Dark Green


Bark Color



Fruit Color



Fruit Season


Information by: Stephanie Duer
Photographer: Linda Engstrom
  • Description

  • Notes

Periwinkle is a hardy, evergreen groundcover with glossy green leaves and cheery periwinkle blue or purple flowers in the spring. This plant is best suited to large areas and shrub borders, as it would overwhelm most perennials. Avoid its use along the riparian corridor or in urban/open space interfaces as it is aggressive and can escape, overtaking native plants. Easier to control in dry shade areas. Grows about 6 to 8 inches high, and spacing for planting purposes is about 2 to 3 feet, but its spread is indefinite.