Spotted dead nettle is a moderate to fast growing, herbaceous perennial that forms a low, dense ground cover, usually under 6 inches, with a spread of 18 inches or more. Foliage color is silver-white with green margins, though many cultivars exist, with a seemingly infinite variety in leave color. Flower color is white, pink, rose, or lilac, depending on cultivar. Blooms typically appear late spring to early summer. Use as a ground cover in shrub or foundation borders, under trees, in containers or hanging baskets (though in this later use plants may not over winter).
Grow in well drained soil in part to full shade. It is tolerant of most soil types, but grows best in a loamy-clay to loamy-sandy soil. If planting as a groundcover, space the plants on 12-inch centers. It spreads by rhizones and creeping stems, so plant it knowing its nature, and it will be a heavenly addition to the garden. Restricting watering will keep it in check. Barney Barnett (Willard Bay Gardens) says lamium will keep snails out of hosta (they dislike its nettlely nature). In containers, it may need more frequent watering.