Common name:Creeping St. Johnswort, Aaronsbeard
Botanical name:Hypericum calycinum
Hypericum calycinum is semi-woody perennial groundcover. It has attractive blue-green foliage that stays evergreen in mild winters, sometimes taking on a purplish hue. It has interesting bright yellow flowers June through September, followed by red berries. It grows 12 to 18 inches tall and 24 inches wide, and spreads by underground runners. Does well in dry shade areas.
Common name:Blue Fescue
Botanical name:Festuca ovina glauca
This group of ornamental grasses generally grow less than a foot tall and have fine, green to blue-green, evergreen leaves that are very thin and hair-like. Flowers appear in the summer and have an airy and open appearance. Prefers full sun but will tolerate afternoon shade if not over-watered. It needs well draining soil and is drought tolerant once it's established. An evergreen, it may need tidying up in the spring; trim out dead foliage and seed heads.
Common name:Purple Ice Plant
Botanical name:Delosperma cooperi
This is another fine South African introduction valued for its shimmering fuchsia purple daisies that keep coming all summer. A vigorous spreader, it forms a dense mat of succulent, linear green, succulent leaves. Succulent fleshy green foliage is sometimes tinged with purple in winter. Foliage is covered with transparent flakes that somewhat resemble tiny pieces of ice, hence the common name. Plants are evergreen in warm winter climates, but at best are usually only semi-evergreen here. Grows 3 inches tall and 18 inches wide.
Common name:Floribunda Rose
Botanical name:Rosa floribunda
This group of roses is characterized by short stems topped with clusters of small flowers. They tend to have a rounded, mounded form, generally as tall as they are wide. They have thick, leathery leaves, sometimes producing lovely fall color, but also helping to grow vigorous, sturdy shrubs. Flowers are in the typical rose colors (though maybe less of the kaleidoscope that are the hybrid teas), from single-petaled to cabbage, and maybe with fabulous fragrance. Some bloom once, but most bloom off and on all summer. Most produce great hips, quite suitable for harvesting, though leave some for the song birds.
Common name:Boston Ivy
Botanical name:Parthenocissus tricuspidata
This semi-evergreen vine has dark green leaves that are usually lobed and divided into 3 leaflets. Clings with both tendrils and adhesive-like tips that cements itself to all manner of surfaces. Leaves turn orange or red in autumn. Flowers are inconspicuous. During fall, small blue black berries appear to the delight of birds. This vine can grow 50'-60' long but it really depends on what it is growing on. This vine is aggressive.
Designer: The Urban Garden Inc. | Urban Garden 2 |
Photographer: GardenSoft |
Group plants in your garden according to their water needs (hydrozone).