Common name:Chocolate Veil Coral Bells
Botanical name:Heuchera 'Chocolate Veil'
'Chocolate Veil' is a heuchera hybrid with large, chocolatey-black to maroon leaves, with prominent silver veining and stippling. The leafy mound grows about 12 or so inches tall and 12 to 18 inches wide and is lovely on its own. But the foliage is topped in early summer with tall, delicate stems covered in white to blush pink, bell shaped flowers. The flowers are excellent cut, or leave them be and deadhead when they are spent. Great foliage like this is a garden boon.
Common name:Variegated Iris
Botanical name:Iris pallida 'Variegata'
If I had to pick my top five must-have perennials, this would be on the list. A species of bearded iris, yellow variegated iris has long, sword like foliage that emerges in early spring and is colored pale, grey-green and lemony yellow. Flowers bloom late spring to early summer, are a pale blue to violet-blue, and are very fragrant (like a cross between grape and apple juice). Absolutely fills the yard. And after flowering, the foliage holds out all summer, unlike other bearded iris; the variegated leaves a striking presence, even without the flowers. The foliage is about 18 to 24 inches tall, and the flowers rise to about 30 to 40 inches. I have never had a garden that didn't include this iris. There is also a variety with white variegation, usually listed as Iris p. 'Argenta.' Fabulous anywhere, and plant enough so you can cut them and bring them indoors.
Common name:Dead Nettle
Botanical name:Lamium maculatum
Spotted dead nettle is a moderate to fast growing, herbaceous perennial that forms a low, dense ground cover, usually under 6 inches, with a spread of 18 inches or more. Foliage color is silver-white with green margins, though many cultivars exist, with a seemingly infinite variety in leave color. Flower color is white, pink, rose, or lilac, depending on cultivar. Blooms typically appear late spring to early summer. Use as a ground cover in shrub or foundation borders, under trees, in containers or hanging baskets (though in this later use plants may not over winter).
Common name:Butterfly Bush
Botanical name:Buddleja davidii
Butterfly bush are an attractive summer blooming shrub, well suited for the shrub or perennial border. Varieties range from 3 to 12 feet tall; dwarf forms are as wide as they are tall, and taller forms have widths generally half to 2/3 the height. Shrubs are mounding to upright and arching. Leaves grey green to silver. Fragrant flowers are spire-like and appear in mid to late summer. Colors range through the pinks and violets, and also white, yellow, and deep purples. Attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees; deer resistent.
Common name:Japanese Euonymus
Botanical name:Euonymus japonica 'Grandifolius'
Japanese euonymus is an evergreen shrub with a rounded, compact form that grows to about 6 to 8 feet tall and 4 to 6 feet wide. It makes a useful hedge and tolerates shearing. It might be nice interplanted with groupings of variegated miscanthus, to provide textural and color contrast.
Designer: Rick Laughlin | Grass Ranch 6 |
Photographer: GardenSoft |
Group plants in your garden according to their water needs (hydrozone).