Two Story 4
Eastern Redbud
Siskiyou Blue Fescue
English Lavender
Eastern Redbud

Common name:Eastern Redbud
Botanical name:Cercis canadensis

This small, deciduous tree with a rounded head is covered with small pea-shaped flowers of a rose pink to violet color in the spring before the appearance of large, heart-shaped leaves. It can grow to 25' tall with an equal spread. It has a low branching habit with a rounded form. During fall, foliage turns yellow. This is a great patio tree or for a small yard. "Forest Pansy" is a popular variety with spring leaves that emerge purplish and turn to a darker maroon.

Siskiyou Blue Fescue

Common name:Siskiyou Blue Fescue
Botanical name:Festuca idahoensis 'Siskiyou Blue'

This selection of the native Idaho Fescue is notable for its enticing spruce-blue foliage. The thin leaves are much longer than the more familiar Festuca glauca, giving 'Siskiyou Blue' a softer, more graceful look. It blooms in the late spring producing tall, straight tan flower spikes typical of Festuca grass. 12 to 16 inches tall and 12 to 18 wide. Well suited to perennial borders, parkstrips, or meadow-lawns. Evergreen.

English Lavender

Common name:English Lavender
Botanical name:Lavandula angustifolia

English lavender is a dependably hardy, heat tolerant, drought resistant perennial, well suited to our arid, cold climate. Aromatic, green to grey-green foliage has a rich, resin scent, and grows in tight clumps 1 to 2 feet in height and width, depending on variety. Flowers form at the ends of stiff stems, in whorls of blue to lavender to purple, again, depending on variety. Flowers may add another 6 to 12 inches of height. Use in any sunny spot, such as perennial border, herb garden, parkstrip, lining a pathway.


Two Story 4

Photographer: GardenSoft

Water Saving Tip:

Change spray sprinklers to low-flow bubbler or drip systems. Shrubs and trees are ideal candidates for this type of irrigation because the water is applied directly to the root zones.