Botanical Name: Helenium autumnale
Common Name: Sneezeweed  
Plant photo of: Helenium autumnale
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Water Saving Tip:

Even though it's hot, your lawn only needs to be watered twice a week to stay healthy.

And don't water the whole lawn for a brown spot—drag out a hose.

  • Anatomy

  • Culture

  • Design

Plant Type



Height Range

1-3', 3-6'


Flower Color

Orange, Yellow


Flower Season

Summer, Fall


Leaf Color



Bark Color



Fruit Color



Fruit Season






Medium, High


Growth Rate



Soil Type

Clay, Loam


Soil Condition

Average, Rich, Well-drained, Moist


Soil pH



Adverse Factors


Design Styles

English Cottage, Meadow


Accenting Features

Fall Color, Showy Flowers


Seasonal Interest

Summer, Fall


Location Uses

Perennial Border, Foundation


Special Uses

Cut Flowers, Mass Planting


Attracts Wildlife


Information by: Stephanie Duer
  • Description

  • Notes

Helen's flower is a stately perennial, growing 3 to 5 feet tall and nearly as wide, with rayed flowers appearing in late summer well into the fall. Petal colors are yellow to orange to red, depending on the variety. Leaves are fine and ovate and are prominent on the entire flower stem, giving the plant a bushy look. Its common name is derived from its history as a plant used to make a form of snuff, not from any allergenic properties.
Grow in well drained, loamy to rich soils in full sun. though it likes a loamy soil, over fertilization or over watering will result in vigorous stem growth but not more flowering, and may cause the plant to be floppy. It you pinch back the plant in early June, you can increase flowering (becuase there will be be more stems) and reduce its height. Benefits from staking.